The Westwood College PATH to Success Scholarship program rewards enrolled students who are taking control of their futures through dedicated career planning and action.
Meet three more of our 2013 Gold winners, Lenore Goslawski, Mark McGinnis and Earlene Tanriover, all from Westwood College campuses in Illinois. You can also read about Rachel Gora, Illinois’ fourth Gold winner, who was also selected as this year’s Platinum winner.
Lenore Goslawski
Campus: Chicago DuPage
Studying: Criminal Justice
Expected Graduation Year: 2014
Until she entered Westwood College in Chicago, Lenore Goslawski worked as a stay-at-home-mom. It was her daughter, Abigail, also a Westwood student, who encouraged her to enroll.
“Going back to school has been a gift, and I treat it as such,” Lenore says. A star student, she is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, has made the President’s List, and has maintained a GPA of 3.85.
But Lenore acknowledges meeting her goals will take more than academic excellence. She meets regularly with her Career Services advisor, is a student worker in the Learning Commons and is actively seeking an internship. She says, “I believe a volunteer or internship opportunity will prove priceless for experience in any position I choose to pursue within my field.”
Lenore is also a member of the Criminal Justice Club and, urged by her fellow classmates, may become one of the club’s executive board members. This role will inevitably support her long-term dream of initiating changes in the criminal justice system, and her interests in juvenile justice and victim advocacy.
She says her daughter helps her stay motivated to balance school and life but that she doesn’t really see it as a hardship. “I really enjoy school and have had the best instructors and mentors here that have inspired and encouraged me to shoot beyond the stars!” she says.
Her words of advice: “Treat your education as a gift, and do not take anyone or anything in your life for granted, for we have no guarantees.”
Mark McGinnis
Campus: Chicago River Oaks
Studying: Business Administration: Major in Marketing Management
Expected Graduation Year: 2015
Mark McGinnis is no stranger to hard work. Having put in 15 years working as an office coordinator, he knows the value of dedication. And now he’s putting that dedication to work in pursuing a career in retail or office management. Ultimately, Mark would love to own his own clothing or shoe store.
To keep focused, Mark sets aside at least three hours a day for homework and study time, even on the weekends. He also says, “Attending class every day and being on time is important to me. It creates a certain discipline that motivates me to do my best with assignments.”
Being a homeowner, father of five and a grandfather of one inspires him to set good examples.
When asked how he juggles work, family life and school, he says, “By knowing that it can be done. It can be overwhelming at times, but other people have gone through the same thing, and they have succeeded!”
His words of advice: “Go to school because you want to learn, not because you feel you have to go. Go to class and try to pay attention, do your homework and always pursue the highest grade point average each semester.”
Earlene Victoria Tanriover
Campus: Chicago Loop
Studying: Information and Network Technologies: Major in Cisco® Network Systems
Expected Graduation Year: 2014
Earlene Tanriover’s dreams are without borders. With a goal of working abroad in IT administration, Earlene has been networking on a global scale to help secure a future of international adventure.
To ensure her computer skills are up to date in a world of ever-changing technology, Earlene attends information and network technology industry events, takes additional online training at and, participates in forums sponsored by CompTIA and VMware, and reads regular updates from IT companies such as Google, Gloudbaker and ITA (Illinois Technology Association). Her classes at Westwood and her outside research have led her to specialize in virtualization technology, a growing international industry.
She says, “I try to keep my account at LinkedIn up to date. I have made several contacts with people who are currently working for international companies in countries like England, Korea and Turkey. I also try to attend many of their seminars and social network gatherings.” She also has posted his resume on all major job-seeking websites.
Earlene even recently visited the Korean embassy to research any necessary preparations for securing work in the country. She also has citizenship in Turkey and thinks there may be opportunities to join an IT or office administration team there. She has been brushing up on her language skills and researching cultural customs, saying, “Corporate etiquette is something that is not taught in classes, however, it is something that is needed if I am to survive in the global job market.”
Being the eldest of four children and 32 grandchildren, with a 25-year-old son of her own who is training for the Marines, and with a step-father who needs healthcare assistance, Earlene is no stranger to juggling family life and career goals. Nevertheless, she says she manages to make schoolwork a top priority.
Her words of advice: “If you set a goal for yourself, with small goals inside that, then you will finish what you want to do.”
The PATH to Success Scholarship program awards nearly $70,000 in total annually and has an application deadline in May of each year. If you have a career plan and are taking action on it to ensure you get meaningful work when you graduate, you are encouraged to apply next spring.